Demonstrative Pronouns for beginners

A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun mostly used to point to something based on its distance from the speaker. In English, these pronouns have four forms.

"Demonstrative Pronouns" in English Grammar

What Are Demonstrative Pronouns?

Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that we use to point at something or someone. They can help the speaker show how near or far something/someone is.

English Demonstrative Pronouns

English language has four demonstrative pronouns. You can see them in the table below:

Singular Plural
Near This These
Far That Those

Singular Demonstrative Pronouns

If we want to point to one thing/person, we use 'this' and 'that.'

  • If a thing/person is close to us, we use this
  • If a thing/person is far from us, we use that

demonstrative pronoun "this" in a sentence

Now, let us take a look at some examples:

This is a pen.

That is an umbrella.

Plural Demonstrative Pronouns

If we want to point to things/people, we use 'these' and 'those.'

  • If they are close to us, we use these
  • If they are far from us, we use those

Now, let us take a look at some examples:

These are keys.

Those are bags.


When giving a short answer to a question using demonstrative pronouns such as 'these' and 'those,' we use the pronoun 'they.'

Are these English books? Yes, they are. or No, they aren't.


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